Our Mission

To cultivate a premier network of local SE communities


City Growth Platform.

Provide an easy and repeatable process for city chapter creation. Support local chapters with member only networking sessions

Local Champions.

City experts responsible for in-person networking, guest speakers and overall knowledge of the technology footprint in their region 

Global Planning & Continuity.

SE Nation board members to manage branding, global webinars, website and logos

What our members are saying


"SENY’s panel discussions gave me invaluable insights on how to grow my SE organization. I plan on attending all their events."— CARL LESKINEN, CTO, BURT

“The enthusiasm everyone had for their jobs at SENY helped inspire me to pursue sales full-time. With their advice and encouragement, I successfully transitioned from being an Engineer at a hardware company to starting a new role as an Account Executive at a SaaS company in NYC. “